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May 13, 2007

(€ deposit) ep07051305-toomodern

This farm building (barn), converted into a 650m2 exhibition space called the MUSEUM OF TOO-MODERN ART, has attracted a large number of foreign and domestic cultural tourists, art experts and ordinary members of the public, who have reacted enthusiastically to the works on exhibition and to the concept of the museum. Too-modernism is a young movement which in a very original manner has captured contemporary art trends at home and around the world. The Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana commemorated us as a special phenomenon at the U3 1995-2005 exhibition.

We are located very close to the geometric centre of the Republic of Slovenia and wish to link our activity with tourism in the direction of a universal artistic residential centre. We are seeking funds to renovate the museum and are offering the use of all the buildings on the farm (120 years old and with a carters' inn in a poor state of repair), which, like the barn, we hope to dedicate to different artistic genres and tourism.

www.premoderno.com - Co-financers and active partners, write to BTPS@slovenia.info for additional information and contact with the owner of the deposit.

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