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May 15, 2007

ip07051501_wooden vessels

The purpose of the idea is the construction of wooden vessels (an example of an active project can be seen in the photograph) for river and coastal panoramic transport, boat hire or charter. Vessels of the "houseboat" type can be used as small hotels, clinics, workshops, cafés, etc. As well as the construction of a wooden vessel the idea offers the realisation of entertainment/education programmes on the vessels. Suitable locations for the realisation of the project include Slovenia's larger rivers, which flow through cities (Maribor, Novo Mesto, Ljubljana, etc.), the coast and lakes. Thanks to their attractive appearance, wooden vessels add variety to the location and services with high added value. Larger vessels can be used to hold events, parties, seminars, culinary events, meetings, workshops, themed journeys, etc. I am looking for partners to finance the idea and buyers.

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