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March 13, 2007


The device enables a rapid and effective solution to problems of sudden (acute) or chronic pain in the lower back or neck or radiation of this pain into the extremities (lumbalgia, lumbar ischalgia, hernia disci, cervicobrachialgia) with the help of stretching (relaxation of vertebrae) of these parts of the spine. The device is useful regardless of the cause of back pain, e.g.: functional (age-related degeneration or changes in the structure of vertebrae) or somatic (stress, modern lifestyle, incorrect loading of the spine or as a result of posture when working, doing sport or driving). The device is: stable, small, can be dismantled and allows two treatments to be carried out (Perl, Glisson). It can be remotely operated and can be used without the presence of another person. USE: Private physiotherapy centres and health resorts, fitness centres, massage centres, workplaces (where workers do predominantly physical or sedentary work).

I am seeking co-financers and help in obtaining an operating licence.

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